STGCC 2013

I’ve been attending the Singapore Toys, Games & Comics Convention for quite some time now from back then when it was free entry to now where you have to pay $19 as an entrance fee. But this time, I went with friends.

I’ve never been able to find people to go to this thing with me. So other than going with my parents the first few years, I’ve been going alone the past year or two. And I’m so glad I’ve got this group of people who were as enthusiastic about the event as me.(Although we might not have been enthusiastic over the same thing)


(From Left to Right: Vera, Chelsea, Shantel, The Iron Patriot(?), Jamie, Huszainy & ME)

I attend the convention to search for my WWE Action figures which I found during the earlier years(but not this year) but lately the event has become more anime related as opposed to anything else.(I’m not a fan of anime) Regardless, there were still tons of Marvel displays to admire and take pictures of. For example,


Tony Stark in his work room.


The Flash.


From the post-credit scene of The Avengers.


Some random Monkeys.

It was fun walking around snapping pictures. I took a lot more which can be found on my Facebook :

One of my favourite pictures from the day has to be this wall full of Superheroes’ faces and their quotes.



I got myself the Wonder Woman one and my brother the Wolverine one. Both can’t be seen in this picture but you can find them here:

So after lots of walking around we chilled at the Cosplay hall. I was chilling while the girls were searching for cosplayers to take pictures with. Most of the cosplayers were anime characters. But what did I expect? This isn’t Comic-Con after all. But until I attend one of those, these will have to do. So once the girls tired out, we sat down and played ‘Heads Up’. After a few good rounds, we got up and slowly left the hall to go have dinner.

We dined at Burger King after much thinking(just the girls and I; Huszainy had to leave). I noticed how their logo was the best out of all the fast-food chains I’m aware of. The conversation we had was funny and interesting. About our secondary school lives and I earned myself the title of ‘Clique Whore’. You can’t blame me, when you’re a hybrid of the people in various cliques, you find yourself stuck between a few. Which is why I’m glad that my current class is amazing with people that ‘get me’.(Some…Not all)

And then we returned to the event and it was worthwhile. On the way back, I edited the pictures and the time flew by. A great day with lots of laughter spent with good people. I’ll remember this day for quite some time ;]