#LetterByLetter: M


#LetterByLetter is something that me and my classmates who blog are doing during the holidays. We will go down the alphabet, one for each post and write what each letter means to us. It can be something symbolic or just a word that starts with that letter. The objective is to be active on our blogs and also to see who can finish all the letters first. This is the 13th post in the series. HALFWAY POINT. But the holidays are already close to ending. #Damn.

‘M’ is for MIKA. Anyone that knows me, knows that I love Mika for various reasons. His style, his story, his songs and the list goes on and on. He is relatable and inspiring. I only became a fan early last year and that’s because I started understanding his songs. Back in secondary school, I came across some of his songs but I didn’t make much of them. However, now it’s different. So, I’m going to dedicate this post to some of my most favourite Mika song lyrics and quotes.

Let’s start with my favourite Mika song, Emily. I listened to this on repeat the day I discovered it. Why don’t you give it a listen too?

“Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie?”

– Mika (Emily)

Not trying to be pretentious by quoting something French. I did have to use google to translate what it meant. It translated to, “Why do you waste your life?” which really made me think about it. Why do I overthink and worry so much?  I’ve introduced this song only to a handful of people because this song is something special to me. So far, both my cousins and a friend have told me that they love the song too. So, now I thought why not introduce it to everyone reading my blog too?

The next song is another one of my favourites! It’s a song that tells you everything will be okay and to just CELEBRATE!

“Once I get up I feel better.
Then I pull myself together.
I remember those two letters.
It will be OK.”

– Mika (Celebrate)

Once again, I love this song because of the meaning behind it. Especially since I worry so much, I love any song that tells me it’ll all be okay. It doesn’t hurt that Mika looks amazing in the video too. *wink*

The next set of lyrics might be hard to understand or relate to. I loved the song and then I realised that it was in reference to your conscience. At least, that’s what I think. Because sometimes your conscience weighs you down.

“There’s a one foot boy eleven stone. 
He’s sitting on my shoulder .
I’m too scared to look away, 
He comes here almost everyday. 
And everyday I push him off and tell him boy we’re over.”

– Mika (One Foot Boy)

Up next, it’s lyrics about changing your perspective on life. We all think we have it bad, but there’s almost always someone who has it worse. So, keep that in mind the next time you complain that your life is hard.

“So I was sitting there in the bar and this guy comes up to me and he said “My life stinks” and I saw his gold credit card and I saw the way he was looking at people across the room and I looked at his face and you know, what a good looking face, and I just said, “Dude, your perspective on life sucks”.

– Mika (Blame it on the Girls)

I’ve only got two more quotes so hang in there! Here’s something simple that I think should be on a T-shirt or a cup.

“Don’t let the stars get you down.
Don’t let the waves let you drown.”

– Mika (Billy Brown)

Lastly, I’ve got a quote from one interview Mika did. I actually wrote down three quotes and I’ve already posted two of them as quotes in the past. You can find them if you look through the quotes category. So, I’ll post the last one. I can relate to this because I’m a writer and sometimes we get stuck. This reminds me that it’s normal.

“It was like, there we go, I’m writing and I don’t know how it’s happening and that’s the secret. Because most of the time, you write when you’re trying to make something happen but when it’s really good you don’t know how the fuck it’s happening.”
– Mika
These are just some Mika quotes I can relate to. There are definitely plenty more but I just wrote those that came to my mind. I was also getting lazy halfway through. With that, I hope this post has made you a fan of Mika. If not, I’m still glad you read the post anyway. Until next time,

Meaningful Tunes #3

I was looking up the trailer for this movie titled, ‘The Single Moms Club’. The trailer was great and closer to the end I heard this song which I immediately took a liking to. Thanks to Shazam, I was able to track the song down and it’s been on repeat ever since. Now, if you know me, you would know that I love feel-good songs that encourage you to keep on going on because that’s a message that you can never get tired of hearing.

So, today’s song is… ‘Just Do You’ by India.Arie. I’ve only heard one other song by her before this, which is, ‘Just For Today’. That is a great song which helped soothe me whenever my worrywart tendencies were at a all-time high back in secondary school. I think she took a more modern approach with this song. I love the chorus and the tune. It’s easy on the ear and is meaningful as well. The music video is kind of cool because of that giant blackboard on the brick wall that says, “I Am ____” which people fill in throughout the video. I would love to do something like that at the school foyer someday.


I heard a voice that told me I’m essential
How all my fears are limiting my potential
Said it’s time to step into the light and
Use every bit of the power I have inside

So what’chu waiting on? Who you waiting for?
If you don’t take a chance, you’ll never know what’s in store.

– India.Arie (Just Do You)

Those are my favourite few lines and they are at the start of the song so I guess that’s why I instantly fell in love with the song. It just reminds me not to keeping waiting and making excuses because now might be the best time for me to do whatever I want to do. It also tells me to stop second guessing myself and to just take the plunge. Being the skeptic that I am, I could totally relate to the message that was being sent in this song. It is just like any other feel good song but for me, there’s just something special about this one. Before I end this post, I’d also recommend to you one of her other songs from her latest album, Songversation, titled, ‘Break The Shell’. That one would totally make me cry if I was feeling down. In other words, it’s really meaningful. Hope you enjoyed the song. Until next time,


Music Review: ARTPOP vs PRISM


If I were to refer to a recent episode of glee, this post is about reviewing both albums as well as figuring out if I am ‘a Katy or a Gaga?’. Before we start, here’s my rating system.

1 Star – Horrible. Please stop the song. #Delete

2 Stars – Hmm. Not a fan but not a hater either.

3 Stars – It’s okay. I wouldn’t mind listening to it a few more times.

4 Stars – Nice. Love the tune and rhythm.

5 Stars – Perfect. Great tune and rhythm with a message. #Repeat

Both albums are similar in the sense that they are both about love. However, PRISM is more about heartbreak and dealing with it while ARTPOP is about feeling sexual and wanting love. That’s what I think, to say the least.

First up, ARTPOP.

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The Pre-Show: I wasn’t really excited for this album until I got addicted to Applause. I didn’t like Applause originally either. But after hearing it on the radio a few times… things changed. When the album got released, I wasn’t too excited because I’d only listened to one single. I knew there was a song titled Venus, but it just didn’t intrigue me.

The Mood: You should be able to tell from the song titles that this album has a very sexual feel. But it’s bearable and not overdone.

My #Repeats: The four songs that I’ve given four stars to – Do What U Want, Applause, Donatella and Gypsy. They’re all addictive and I had been addicted to them each for quite some time.  Donatella is similar to The Fame from Gaga’s first album. Similar to Applause, Do What U Want turned from something I couldn’t stand, to something I got addicted to. Originally I thought that R. Kelly ruined the song but I’ve changed my opinion now. They’re all upbeat songs with the exception of Gypsy but it gets there eventually. They’re great dance tracks too.

My #Deletes: To be honest, I know that more than one song receive a one-star rating. But there is one song in particular that I really couldn’t stand. I felt like my ears were getting damaged when I first heard it. I stopped halfway and have not heard it since. Partly because I’ve got other songs to listen to but also because I’m a tad afraid. Funny isn’t it? Being scared of a song. Well it happens… My other one-star rated songs I don’t hate but I didn’t want to hear them again either.

Next we have, PRISM.

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The Pre-Show: It’s no shocker that Roar was the first song I’d heard. I didn’t bother listening to Dark Horse. So I wasn’t looking forward to the album. If I remember correctly, I found out the album had been released a few days after it got released.

The Mood: Majority of the songs on this album aren’t upbeat and happy. I’m not saying they’re sad. But from what I understand, it’s about dealing with a heartbreak. Now, I obviously can’t relate to that. However, the emotions of feeling disappointed or hurt by someone are pretty universal, aren’t they?

My #Repeats: This album has four songs – Roar, Ghost, Love Me and It Takes Two – that got four stars too! They all come with a message but I didn’t give them my five-star rating because I couldn’t relate to those messages entirely. Roar is about standing up for yourself which I can relate to but the tune got boring after a while. Ghost is about someone you used to be closed to. Love Me is about loving yourself the way you want to be loved. Lastly, It Takes Two is about wishing the other person would care about you just as much as you care about them.

My #Deletes: Clearly, there wasn’t a song that I couldn’t stand. Katy Perry has that effect on me. Somehow all of her songs are bearable to me. But if I had to delete something, I would choose Legendary Lovers because the title is the least appealing to me.

In Summary:

I’m a Katy! Thereby, PRISM is the better album, in my opinion. Honestly, I hadn’t come to this conclusion until I got to this point of the post. When it comes to Gaga’s songs, I love some and hate some. But there isn’t really a Katy song that I hate. I don’t really mind listening to any of her songs.

Glad I managed to figure that out tonight. Until next time,


Meaningful Tunes #2

So sometime last year, I stumbled upon this song and I’m so glad that I did. Back then, it was the song I listened to whenever I felt worried or stressed with all the pressure of the O’ Level Examinations and of course when going through the typical secondary school drama which when I look back at now seems very petty.

Today’s song is, “You Gotta Be” by Des’ree. Yes, it might be a 90’s song but it has very relatable lyrics which are accompanied by a very calm and soothing tune which helps you relax after a long and stressful day at school or work. After all, aren’t some of the best songs from the 90’s? It’s a song that gives you the strength to keep on going just when you feel like giving up. The type of song which is rare nowadays, in the time of break-up, love or party songs. I’m not saying that there aren’t any, I’m saying that they are rare. Cause they either have a meaningless rap(which seems rather forced into the song) or great but repetitive lyrics with a rough and edgy beat.(which makes me want to pull my hair out) I’m sure some people love that but we have to agree to disagree on that one.

“Listen as your day unfolds, challenge what the future holds
Try and keep your head up to the sky
Lovers, they may cause you tears
Go ahead release your fears, stand up and be counted
Don’t be ashamed to cry

You gotta be
You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day”

– Des’ree (You Gotta Be)

This large chunk of lyrics, pretty much explains why this song is empowering. It tells you to always keep your head up, stand up for yourself and to not be ashamed to cry. ‘Cause sometimes, you just have to release your emotions and what better way to do that than by crying, right? Now, before signing off, I just want to say that if you do like this song, you might want to check out some other songs by Des’ree like ‘Life’, ‘It’s Okay’ & ‘What’s Your Sign?’. Other than ‘You Gotta Be’, ‘It’s Okay’ has to be my other favourite by Des’ree. So, I hope that the next time you need some encouragement, this song will do just that for you.


Meaningful Tunes #1

It’s no secret that some of the songs that are popular now have no real meaning behind them. Like “I take a picture of you, taking a picture of me”? Really, Carly Rae Jepsen. What was she thinking when she came up with those lyrics? And I know this one is pretty old, but “Black & Yellow”? I’ve hated that song since forever. Cause it means nothing.

But there are still meaningful songs out there! #Shocker Not sure about you guys but I turn to music to deal with the everyday stress and roller coaster of emotions. And usually these songs are songs I can relate to. The only way I can relate to “Black & Yellow” is if you consider my hair being black with yellow-ish blonde highlights. But honestly speaking, I think that some of these songs to change their perspective of life or of their day. Cause honesty it isn’t as bad as it seems.

For today, we have “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”, by Guy Sebastian. I’ve heard his songs but never really knew who he was till my cousin introduced me to his songs. This one has to be one of my favourite tunes not just by him but overall. It’s a simple song that tells you to take life easy cause life is short. This is something that people forget. Even I forget that sometimes. But my point is that it is a great song and everyone should be able to relate to it.

“If you only think of things that you haven’t got
You could have it all and still never have enough,”

~ Guy Sebastian (Don’t Worry, Be Happy)

That’s all I’ve got to say for now.