Week One (And the prequel)


The three week school break started a week ago. So, that means I am left with two weeks. I really appreciate the break. I do. I really do. But long gone are the times when a school break actually meant taking a break from all the school work and being able to marathon any TV show or a bunch of movies without a care in the world. (Well actually, I don’t know if there ever was a time where that was the case.)

Anyway, I would complain about all the assignments we have to get started on over the holidays but the truth is, I rather work on these assignments now, during the holidays, at my own pace than when school is on-going and the stress is at a all-time high.

So, me complaining about school work is not the focus of this post. As the title suggests this post is about the first week of the holidays and some memorable events leading up to it such as me attending the Verve Arts Festival and the Asia TV Forum.

Let me start with Verve. It was simply an interesting experience. I’ve always wanted to attend these artsy events because I believe that there is an artsy side to me. But I never knew when these events were going on nor did I have anyone to attend with. This time around however I tagged along with Shaf and Chels. Jamie and Colin joined us later but they did their own thing with Jamie’s other friends.

Thanks for spending the day with me guys

We started with three…

And then we became five.

…And then we became five. Wasn’t that such an inspiring story? ‘From 3 to 5’ coming soon to a theatre near you.

I got to discover new local artists such as Pixel Apartment and Lost Weekend while also being able to watch the play that Bound Theatre put up titled, ‘+65. Lost Weekend was closer to my taste as compared to Pixel Apartment. I still remember the title of one of their songs, ‘Red is the Colour’ but not the tune.

Here are 'Lost Weekend'.

So, this is ‘Lost Weekend’.

Their response to us wanting to take a picture with them was, "This is new to us." Awww...

Their response to us wanting to take a picture with them was, “This is new to us.” Awww…

The play on the other hand was about growing up in Singapore and how sometimes we just don’t know what to do next in life. At least that’s what I got from it. It was thought-provoking and some parts did make me want to cry, so I guess the actors were really good and talented. I also had Shaf’s camera for the day and I took plenty of pictures, annoying Chels in the process (which was also part of the fun).

There were also tons of booth selling artsy stuff.

There were also tons of booth selling artsy stuff.

These stickers looked so good and cute. If I had watched the whole movie, I would have bought them!

These stickers looked so good and cute. If I had watched the whole movie, I would have bought them in an instant.

Next, the Asia TV Forum. Apart from being able to take down learning points and notes from what the industry professionals said during conferences and panels, it was during the forum that one of my childhood dreams came true.  I got to meet and take a picture with Jason Chan, the Green Samurai Ranger from Power Rangers Ninja Storm!

This picture made my day, what more can I say?

Let me explain. Growing up, I watched the Power Rangers season after season. I had the action figures. I had the CDs. I had a couple of video games too. Heck, I even had a cheap version of the costume. But one thing that I wanted but knew I would never get was to meet them and take a picture with them. Any ranger from any season because I’ve watched almost all of them at different points of my childhood. Even now, I check in on the show and cast, time to time. However, I knew I wouldn’t get the chance… Simply because they would never have a reason to come all the way here, to Singapore. So yeah, when I did get a picture with a ranger it felt surreal. It’s a bonus that Jason was really nice and down to earth as well. Saying it made my day is an understatement.The realisation that I have a picture with someone I used to watch on TV years ago is just pretty damn amazing. I’m not sure if you will understand how I feel even after this whole paragraph but I thought it was worth a mention. And maybe one day, I might be able to take a picture with a WWE Superstar or Diva because that’s another childhood dream. We’ll have to wait and see, won’t we?

I met up with the Dudes (Rosydi & Azfar) because we all had something to celebrate. Azfar celebrated the end of his A’ Levels. Rosydi celebrated his 18th birthday. And I had to find something to celebrate. So, I decided to celebrate the end of (almost) all CA1 assignments. We finally tried an escape room game. We failed but I still had fun.

Sydi looks pissed because he predicted my selfie camera screwing up and… It did.

Sydi looks pissed because he predicted my selfie camera screwing up and… It did.

And two weeks later which is just last week, we met up again to watch Horrible Bosses 2. It was a great movie and I enjoyed it more because I saw the three of us as the protagonists. Like literally, each one of us fit a particular character in some way. Or at least, the two of them did. I was more of a hybrid. But they weren’t convinced so we all just agreed that the three characters were “stupid versions of ourselves”.

From our second meet-up. I love it when everyone in a selfie is equal-sized as opposed to the selfie taker being the main focus... Unless it's intentional of course.

From our second meet-up. I love it when everyone in a selfie is equal-sized as opposed to the selfie taker being the main focus… Unless it’s intentional of course.

There hasn’t been much going on around me this week. Well, Chelsea, Jamie and I finally carried out our plans from the start of the year to go to a bar together. It was a little different from what we had planned but it was fun nonetheless.

Trying to make the pixelated effect a thing. Instagram will probably add a ‘Pixel’ filter after they see this.

Trying to make the pixelated effect a thing. Instagram will probably add a ‘Pixel’ filter after they see this.

The main point of us meeting was actually to do some gift hunting. I was searching for Christmas gifts in general but they were searching for their Secret Santa gifts. At the end of the day, I didn’t buy anything but I did get some ideas. And then the rest of the night was filled with a lot of food and drinks. First came Coldstone, then dinner, then a drink at a bar and then ice cream on the street and then Popeye’s for supper. It was nice spending the evening and night with them, having interesting conversations and taking lots of pictures. I know I’ll be seeing them before the holidays end at least once more. So I’m definitely looking forward to that.

Got my Coldstone fix after a really long time.

Got my Coldstone fix after a really long time.

Our drinks looked really pretty.

Our drinks looked really pretty.

We look so happy with our Pillow Pets and you will be too! Get yours today!

We look so happy with our Pillow Pets and you will be too! Get yours today!

Other days this past week, I either spent lazing at home, watching The Comeback and getting my daily dose of reality TV or I’ve been out searching for Christmas gifts. Anyway, the tree isn’t as empty today as it was at the start of the week (thanks to Mum and me, of course), so I’m pretty excited for Christmas!

I know for a fact that there is more to come over the next two weeks. So, stay tuned!

P.S:  Upon doing some research, I found out Jason is starring in a local show called, “What Do Men Want?” You should check it out!